Monday, June 30, 2008

Organic Food/Organic Farms

Ever since the FDA made it clear that it was unnecessary to label cloned food I've decided to get my food from a reliable source. I find it rather unnerving that a governmental agency can decide that cloned cows, pigs and sheep are perfectly safe and need no labels.

Well, I've done some research and I have found a few organic farms in my area. You too should look for Organic farms near you.

Check out this site:

I still haven't learned how to post a link on my blog yet.

Bear with me!! LOL

Friday, June 20, 2008

Meet the Neighbors

Whenever a new family with kids move into the neighborhood my son is one of the first kids to make friends. I recently shared with a childless friend that I always make a point of going to the house of the child to meet the parents. She thinks that I am weird.
Do any of you go to make the acquaintance of your kids friends before they can go over to play?

The Frugal Life

I am about to embark on a journey like no other. I am a SAHM at this point since my job as a Regional Marketing Director for a large firm in the Real Estate Industry has gone to dust. I need to learn to first of all, look at prices whilst in the grocery store, make a list, stick to said list, don't veer from list, actually BRING list to store and only buy items on list. If, by the grace of God, I can stick to that we're off to a great start. I have been reading some other Frugal Mom websites to get tips. There are entire posts dedicated to CVSing!! That alone makes me a bit nervous.

So in a few days I will reread the post on CVS and head over there with my list and see what I how much I can save.

I will be sure to check back and post my findings.

Vacation Bible School

I don't see that many Vacation Bible Schools anymore?

Are there VBS near you? Do your kids participate?

What is it all about nowadays?

Summer Camp Blues

My son, Carl Brown's grandson, will be attending 2 summer camps this year. Nowadays one has to almost take out a loan in order to afford summer camp. When did this become so expensive? I remember attending camp as a kid and of course never thought once about the expense.

He will be attending a Christian camp for one week June 22-28. I will be in New York on business for a few days then I will be back home with dear husband alone before he returns. He comes back home on the 28th then leaves again on the 29th for another great Christian camp from June 29-July 5th. ( Mar Lu Ridge)

Our son doesn't go many places without us so it will be really odd having a quiet house. What will we do? What will I do with all this free time? I am not yet sure, but I am certain my husband and I will have some fun while he is away. I recall the last time our child went away I cried like a baby on the drive home. I feel comfortable with the camps and the staff so I am not worried at all. We will just miss him.

What are your kids doing for the summer?

How to Wear A White Suit

Father's Day has come and gone and I hope you all took time to Honor your Father's. I wrote a list of the life lessons that I learned from my stepfather and I read it to him. Of course it probably wasn't what he was expecting from me but he seemed to enjoy it nonetheless.

I remember as a kid my stepdad would wear his one suit, the white one, to church with my mom and I on Easter. lol
The look of a white suit can be really chic on a man if worn in the right manner. I think this suit is quite dapper.

What say you?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Weekend to all the DADS

I am thankful that I had my stepfather in my live to aide my mother in raising me. He did the best that he could with the knowledge that he had and for that I am FOREVER grateful.

I hope you all take time to honor the fathers in your life this weekend.

I was reading on MSN's website a feature from different people talking about what they learned from their father. Well, I know who my father is but I have yet to meet him. I believe I came close to meeting him when I found my "grandmother" in the Bronx. My mother mentioned a Noel Brown that may be his sister, well come to find out, Noel is his mom. I spoke to Ms. Brown and gave her my name, age, location. I also mentioned that my dad met my mom in D.C. while she was in college in the 70's. She confirmed that her son also was in D.C. in the 70's. She also confirmed his birth date and every other piece of information that I gave her. Well, I asked if she could give him my number to call me or give me his number she said she would ask him.
I called her back after a week or so and she said that he said no, that's all he said. NO!
My heart sank and it really hurt that he didn't even want to talk to me.

I guess maybe it could be a blessing in disguise that he is not in my life. I still would like to meet him and the rest of the family.

Well this Father's Day I take this moment to give respect to my stepfather who was there through it all.

He taught me many valuable lessons in my life and although he was not a perfect father he loved me enough to raise me as his own. He even wanted to adopt me and for me to take his last name.

Lessons from my father:
1. Don't make any excuses.
2. Be a person of your word, character counts.
3. Alcohol can damage a relationship. ( he was an alcoholic as long as I can remember)
4. Gambling is not for me! We used to play card games when I was a child and when he won he would keep my money. To this day I have yet to gamble, not even played lottery.

Take Care!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

S. Korea Delays Dropping Ban On U.S. Beef

I think everyone in the country should be alarmed by reading this. Not only are the South Koreans protesting the lifting of the ban they are taking to the streets to adamantly do so. Now that got me to thinking. Should my family and I continue eating U.S beef? They don't even want to label cloned beef let alone meat that is tainted with mad cow. Why should we also trust it?

Nearly 40,000 people were protesting the decision to lift the ban.
Check here

for the article that you wont see on CNN or any other major news site.

Chicken and fish from here on.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Can you tell if someone has HIV?


This being my first blog entry I feel compelled to right something earth shattering, life changing and instrumental. I guess if I wrote stuff like that I'd be in a totally different line of work, huh?

Well this is the beginning of some soul searching, light hearted rantings of a girl in search of Carl Brown. The reason for the title is I am, among other things, Carl Brown's daughter. As Oprah would say, it's one thing I know for sure. In creating this blog, I hope to explore some of the crazy aspects of my life, meet new and exciting people and hopefully help myself and someone else along the way.

I am no writer but I do hope to share my heart with you as you come along with me on my journey.
