Friday, June 20, 2008

The Frugal Life

I am about to embark on a journey like no other. I am a SAHM at this point since my job as a Regional Marketing Director for a large firm in the Real Estate Industry has gone to dust. I need to learn to first of all, look at prices whilst in the grocery store, make a list, stick to said list, don't veer from list, actually BRING list to store and only buy items on list. If, by the grace of God, I can stick to that we're off to a great start. I have been reading some other Frugal Mom websites to get tips. There are entire posts dedicated to CVSing!! That alone makes me a bit nervous.

So in a few days I will reread the post on CVS and head over there with my list and see what I how much I can save.

I will be sure to check back and post my findings.

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